Poinsettias for Christmas

Would you like to buy a poinsettia in honor or in memory of someone for this Christmas season?  The cost for each plant is $12.50.  There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer.  If you don’t reside close to the church, you are welcome to call the office at 217.463.8024 with your information.

Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day is Monday, November 11 and as I think about the honor those that served deserve; I do not believe that it is enough to say “Thanks” and celebrate them one day a year. I am also humbled to think that their sacrificial giving of self has provided for me so many freedoms and privileges. I think of the saying, “All gave some – Some gave all.” The Bible teaches that we are required to give if we are a follower of Jesus. It starts with us giving our life to the Lord and from then on we are called to give of our life, time, energy, and money.  I believe that Veterans gave because they believed in the call, the cause, and their leaders. How much more should we, Christians, believe in our calling, the cause of Christ, and our Leader.

~  Kurt

Trunk or Treat

Our Trunk or Treat event will be held at the church on Sunday, October 27 from 5:30-7:30 p.m.  There will be games, crafts, food and, of course, lots of candy!  Hayrides will also be enjoyed throughout the evening.  Everyone is welcome.

Blanketed by Love

The Compassionate Clothing Closet’s (CCC) annual blanket drive began October 1 and will conclude on October 31.  Please consider donating a new or gently, used blanket to be given to our neighbors in need during the long, winter months.  Donations can be brought to Bell Ridge or can be taken directly to the CCC location on Central Avenue in Paris (Mon, 11-2 or Tues, 1-3.)  Blanket distribution begins on November 1. 

Church Lock-In

The Jr High Youth and Believer’s Class are invited to a Church Lock-In on Saturday, October 12 at 6:30 p.m.  Please join us for pizza, games, a movie and devotions.  We will also be making breakfast for all of the Sunday School classes to make money to fund our mission projects.

~ Vanessa

Food for Kids Fundraiser

On Friday, September 27 we will be cooking and selling hot dogs from 11:00-1:00 at First Farmers Bank and Trust in Paris.  This fundraiser will support one of our mission ministries, Food for Kids-A Backpack Program.  Everyone is welcome to join us in this worthy cause.

~ Kurt

“See You at the Pole” Prayer Rally

On the 4th Wednesday morning of September, students from all across the nation gather at their flagpoles to ask God to move on behalf of their classmates and schools.   This year’s “See You at the Pole” prayer rally is September 25th.  It is an event that is organized and led by students.  Encourage your young people to be there and join their classmates in prayer.

Chrismon Work Day

The Ladies Aid group will be hosting a work day at the church on Saturday, September 21 at 9:00 a.m. to create new chrismons.   All ladies are invited to help with this project.  

What is a Chrismon? Chrismon is a combination of parts of two words-Christ and mon.  A Chrismon is just that-a monogram of Christ.  Each Chrismon design has a special meaning, for example, the shell symbolizes baptism.  The 6-pointed star represents the Star of David.  Chrismon symbols are made in gold and white.  The gold represents the radiance of God’s love, His majesty and glory; the white represents the purity and perfection of our God.

If you have any questions, please contact Debbie or Barb Wilson.

W.A.S.P. Kickoff Swim Party

The Wednesday Afternoon School Program hosted a Kickoff Swim Party at the Camp’s.  The weather was perfect and the kids had a great time.

There are more pictures in the Youth Pics album on the Gallery page.

~ Don

Labor Day

The church office will be closed on Monday, September 2 in observance of Labor Day.  We wish everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday.