July 28, 2024 Bulletin

The bulletin announcements for July 28th are listed below:

We rejoice with the angels in heaven- Abbie Lowry gave her life to the Lord last week and was obedient in baptism last Sunday at the end of second service.

This is Newsletter Week- We will be preparing ”The Link” for mailing on Tuesday morning at 10:30 AM.

The Elder’s Meeting is Tuesday evening at 7 PM.

You are Invited- to the wedding of Tim Saiter and Nancy Carpenter here at Bell Ridge Christian Church on August 3rd at 2 PM. Reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to Tim and/or Nancy.

The Dollar Club- We selected the family of Arielle Donnelly, who is 9 years old and fighting cancer, to receive our gift. Continue looking for people that we might bless with a gift.

Operation Christmas Child- We will be collecting every month through November. Suggestions for July are brightly-colored kerchiefs, scarves or bandanas and any kind of baseball hats.

2024 Sign-Up Sheets – There are sign-up sheets in the foyer for Junior Church Volunteers, Nursery workers for first service, Scripture readers, and Volunteers to make homemade ice cream for our annual dinner (August 18).

Bible Study –We are preparing to begin a new Bible Study and DVD series, True Spirituality-Becoming a Romans 12 Christian. If you would like your own book the cost is $11.00. We would love for you to join us every Thursday from 7-8:30 PM. We meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Building Maintenance- In the next month or two we will have some old vinyl siding removed and replaced on the church building. We want you to be careful while the work is going on so that no one will be hurt. Also this project will cost around $26,000 if you want to make a gift to the building fund to help with the cost.

Ridge Runners- Need a little help with a project around your home? Call the Church and ask if a Ridge Runner can help you. Brochures are in the foyer on the bulletin table.

Cards for Skylar Foote- Her address up to August 16th is;
   SR Skylar Foote
   Ship 07 USS Chicago, Division 221
   3405 Sailor Dr
   Great Lakes, IL 60088-3401

Youth News!

Jr. High Youth Group – Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM.

Sr. High Youth Group will meet on Wednesday evening at 6 PM.

Jr. Church …is looking for volunteer teachers for the 10:40 service. Students dismiss before the service. Curriculum will be provided to you two weeks ahead of time.  See Don with any questions.


Bell Ridge was represented well by several young people at the recent 4 H fair. Please let them know that we are very proud of them.

Worship Emphasis

The Lord’s Prayer – Our Childlike Dependence (Part 2)
Matthew 6

As we approach prayer, we acknowledge our utter reliance on our Heavenly Father-our childlike faith and dependence. We acknowledge it is God’s Kingdom we live in, not ours. We ask humbly for daily provision, knowing we can’t ensure our own survival and flourishing apart from Him. We beg for forgiveness, protection and deliverance just as a young child asks for help and safety to fall asleep at night.

There’s no way to live the Lord’s Prayer without seeing that we’re hungry children at the feet of a good and loving Father.


Sermons are available online- If you are unable to be here on a given Sunday you can hear the sermon on our website. Just go to http://www.bellridge.org, click on the Media tab, click on sermons, and choose a sermon preference. The YouTube and Facebook options allow for both audio and video, and the SoundCloud option is just audio. By clicking on the scripture reference, you will be able to read the associated sermon notes and start the recording. The sermons will be in date order with the most current one at the top of the list. If you have any questions, please call the church. We are happy to help.

Bulletin Announcements- By accessing Media on our webpage you will see a new page titled “Bulletins.” Our announcements will be posted in that location every week.

Online Giving- Is available on our website by clicking on “Giving.” There is a “Give to Bell Ridge” button that you can click on, and then follow the directions.



July 21, 2024 Bulletin

The bulletin announcements for July 21st are listed below:

The Elder’s Meeting has been rescheduled to Tuesday, July 30th at 7 PM.

You are Invited- to the wedding of Tim Saiter and Nancy Carpenter here at Bell Ridge Christian Church on August 3rd at 2 PM. Reception to follow in the Fellowship Hall. Please RSVP to Tim and/or Nancy.

Baby Bottle Blessings for Choices- we donated $1208.45 to this ministry. Thank you to everyone that participated.

Bible Collection- Project Bible Runners are working with WBGL to collect Bibles (any translation and in any condition) to be given to Christians throughout the world. We will help by collecting Bibles during the month of July. Look for a box or tote in the foyer to put your donation in.

The Dollar Club- We selected the family of Arielle Donnely, who is 9 years old and fighting cancer, to receive our gift. Continue looking for people that we might bless with a gift.

Operation Christmas Child- We will be collecting every month through November. Suggestions for July are brightly-colored kerchiefs, scarves or bandanas and any kind of baseball hats.

2024 Sign-Up Sheets – There are sign-up sheets in the foyer for Junior Church Volunteers, Nursery workers for first service, Scripture readers, and Volunteers for the Edgar County Fair Hospitality Tent.

Bible Study –We are preparing to begin a new Bible Study and DVD series, True Spirituality-Becoming a Romans 12 Christian. If you would like your own book the cost is $11.00. We would love for you to join us every Thursday from 7-8:30 PM. We meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Cards for Skylar Foote- Her address up to August 16th is;
   SR Skylar Foote,
   Ship 07 USS Chicago, Division 221,
   3405 Sailor Dr,
   Great Lakes, IL 60088-3401.

Ridge Runners- Need a little help with a project around your home? Call the Church and ask if a Ridge Runner can help you. Brochures are in the foyer on the bulletin table.

Youth News!

Church Camp – It is time to sign up to go to Camp Illiana. Remember Bell Ridge will pay the registration fee for the event that your young person is going to. You will need to put on the registration form “Bell Ridge 100” so that the Camp will bill the church.

Jr. High Youth Group – Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM.

Sr. High Youth Group will meet on Wednesday evening at 6 PM.

Jr. Church …is looking for volunteer teachers for the 10:40 service. Students dismiss before the service. Curriculum will be provided to you two weeks ahead of time.  See Don with any questions.

Worship Emphasis

The Lord’s Prayer Is Meant to Be Lived (Matthew 6)

Now Jesus was praying in a certain place and when He finished one of His disciples said to Him, “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.” (Luke 11-1)

What a joy it was for Jesus to teach His fellow friends how to enjoy fellowship with the Father. The Lord’s Prayer was referred to be “the key to the whole business of living” and “what it means to be a Christian is nowhere clearer than here.”


Sermons are available online- If you are unable to be here on a given Sunday you can hear the sermon on our website. Just go to http://www.bellridge.org, click on the Media tab, click on sermons, and choose a sermon preference. The YouTube and Facebook options allow for both audio and video, and the SoundCloud option is just audio. By clicking on the scripture reference, you will be able to read the associated sermon notes and start the recording. The sermons will be in date order with the most current one at the top of the list. If you have any questions, please call the church. We are happy to help.

Bulletin Announcements- By accessing Media on our webpage you will see a new page titled “Bulletins.” Our announcements will be posted in that location every week.

Online Giving- Is available on our website by clicking on “Giving.” There is a “Give to Bell Ridge” button that you can click on, and then follow the directions.