The bulletin announcements for December 1st are listed below:
Hanging of the Greens –We will be decorating the church building for the Christmas season during the Sunday School hour.
Dollar Club-We will be meeting at the beginning of Sunday School hour in Kurt’s office.
Do not forget the Building Fund in your giving.
Our annual Thanksgiving Dinner-is tonight at Betty Janes’ Kitchen at 6 PM. The meat and drinks will be provided. Bring a dish and friends to celebrate all that we have to be thankful for. Please enter through the front doors.
Administrative Meeting- on Wednesday evening at 7 PM.
Ladies Aid Christmas Dinner and Cookie Plates will be December 7th at 5 PM. If you would like to help you can donate cookies, sign up in the foyer. If you cannot attend but would like to contribute, please bring your items to the Fellowship Hall no later than 4 PM on Saturday, December 7th. This year we are preparing 25 cookie plates.
Annual Congregational Meeting will be December 8th at 10:10 AM for the purpose of the election of leaders and officers for 2025 and our annual treasurer’s report.
Kids Christmas Program- December 22nd at 6 PM.
Christmas Eve Service at 6 PM.
Lost and Found-We have 2 pairs of glasses that have been turned into the office and some jewelry.
2024 Sign-Up Sheets – There is a sign-up sheet in the foyer for Nursery workers for first service, Scripture readers, offering tracking for 2025, volunteers to decorate the church in 2025, and Junior Church teachers for 2025.
Bible Study –we continue to study “Your Devine Design” by Chip Ingram. Learning to discover, develop and deploy your spiritual gifts. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome!
Fundraising for Winter Retreat: We are trying to raise $3,000 specifically for our High School Winter Retreat. It is a four day event where students have the opportunity to ski and snowboard, but most importantly, will have the opportunity to hear the word of Jesus preached in a unique way. Students are looking forward to growing together as a group through this shared experience and the life long memories made and lessons learned. If you would like to contribute, make your donation out to “Bell Ridge Youth” or use an envelope on the back table.
Ridge Runners- Need a little help with a project around your home? Call the Church and ask if a Ridge Runner can help you. Brochures are in the foyer on the bulletin table.
Youth News!
BASK – Meets on Wednesdays after school. Pick up time is 5:30.
Jr. High Youth Group meets on Sunday evenings at 5:30 PM.
Sr. High Youth Group will meet on Wednesday evening at 6 PM.
Sr. High CIY Registration has begun – Get it on your calendars.
Sr. High Winter Retreat: December 27-30, 2024
Jr. Church …is looking for volunteer teachers for the 10:40 service. Students dismiss before the sermon. Curriculum will be provided to you two weeks ahead of time. See Don with any questions.
Worship Emphasis
Official Day of Thanksgiving
“I invite my fellow citizens to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November as a Day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens….. and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and restore it, as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes, to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility and union.
Portion of Proclamation on October 3, 1863 by Abraham Lincoln
Worship Emphasis Request
We are inviting our congregation to contribute to our Worship Emphasis column. Would you consider participating by sharing your favorite scripture(s) along with a brief explanation why? Steve Brinkerhoff and Kurt will be answering any questions and accepting your submissions.
Sermons are available online- If you are unable to be here on a given Sunday you can hear the sermon on our website. Just go to, click on the Media tab, click on sermons, and choose a sermon preference. The YouTube and Facebook options allow for both audio and video, and the SoundCloud option is just audio. By clicking on the scripture reference, you will be able to read the associated sermon notes and start the recording. The sermons will be in date order with the most current one at the top of the list. If you have any questions, please call the church. We are happy to help.
Bulletin Announcements- By accessing Media on our webpage you will see a new page titled “Bulletins.” Our announcements will be posted in that location every week.
Online Giving- Is available on our website by clicking on “Giving.” There is a “Give to Bell Ridge” button that you can click on, and then follow the directions.